Group 12 - Doctoral School in Chemistry and Life Sciences, University of Grenoble. Grenoble (France)


The Doctoral School of Chemistry and Life Sciences provides high level training in several fields of Biology, Chemistry, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The school offers graduate students the possibility to carry out a PhD thesis in one of the 130 research teams that are hosted by the 25 research Institutes within the Grenoble area. The Doctoral School of Chemistry and Life Sciences supervises the training of a grand total of 350 PhD students, and it is one of the top ranking French doctoral schools. A doctorate chart along with a doctorate guide cover all aspects related to a participant’s course of study and gives advice concerning problems encountered before (motivation, subject of the thesis, financial aspect, teaching possibility) and after the thesis (employment opportunities either in industry, universities and public research laboratories or, in many cases, in foreign laboratories, where different perspectives on research may be offered, providing access to a large range of international contacts). The Doctoral School of Chemistry and Life Sciences offers a very wide selection of educational courses not only in highly specialised areas, but also in more general areas.